Social Emotional Learning

In addition to working directly with parents and students, our team is also excited to support educators & school leaders as we work in tandem to lay the best possible foundation for our scholars and future leaders.


Mindfulness, yoga, and Meditation

Set the tone for the day. Notice, acknowledge, and release negative emotions, trauma, stress, and anxiety. Create space for compassion, understanding, and the development of habits that serve. For beginners and advanced. Students and staff

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Gratitude, Intention Setting, and Creative Visualization

  • Yoga, Dance, and more…

SEL - Journal & planner

Through daily gratitude, intentional planning, and nightly reflection, your community will cultivate a greater sense of well-being and joy, reduce stress/ anxiety, and more effectively reach their goals.

Order the standalone book or request guided sessions with a trained facilitator.

  • Create powerful and long-lasting habits

  • Learn to manage emotions & build perspective

  • Address hidden thought patterns/ limiting beliefs


Want a program that's not listed? Contact us now at to discuss available options. Our team is young, creative, open to new ideas, and ready to make an impact! Let's get started today!